Checking by OGRN

A primary state registration number (OGRN) is assigned to each and every company by incorporation. This number testifies that a company is legal. Basic information on a company is coded in this number in particular, and anyone who feels like it may get to learn this information. These data are held in the base of the tax service.

Checking by OGRN is quite popular procedure, especially when macro contracts and cooperation between companies are at issue. If you are just intending to start work with a partner, checking should be the initial step on this road. And you should rest upon the data from official bodies only.

Why to check a business partner by OGRN?

Prospective business partners must be sure of reliability of each other, at least for avoiding possible problems with revenue bodies in future and mitigating any risks. And, indeed, businessmen need to be careful in order to avoid deals with fraud companies.

Sometimes there may emerge a necessity of getting information on business rivals too or even on your own company – occasionally checking by OGRN gives quite unexpected results. So what will we get by using the bases?

Firstly, a legal entity search by OGRN lets find out if it really exists? It happens that for the sake of profit fraudsters even come to such open-faced forgery, and those who does not run a primary check fall for their elementary tricks. And meanwhile, having spent just a few minutes you can ruin plans of dishonest business partners and avoid serious consequences.

Secondly, you will get the data on legal entity’s founders and director general, and also on company’s registered address and its changes.

Thirdly, search by OGRN presents the data on business partner’s tax liabilities. Thanks to these data it is possible to make up reasoned opinion on a partner. Since if it is listed in tax office’s debtors register, then its reliability and welfare are highly questionable.

But there is more to come. Having a unique number of a legal entity, you are able to know how long it exists, in other words, if your prospective partner is not simply a short-lived company. Of course, it does not mean that a recently registered company is unreliable, but still these data will help you to understand which way to go and what information to look for in addition.

Thus, the simplest way to obtain information on a business partner is to find a company by OGRN in the corresponding databases. But how to make the process of data collection more comfortable and effective?

Company search by OGRN

Search by OGRN on our web service does not require much efforts and time. And for businessmen it does not cost much money. Easy-to-use interface, convenient navigation, minimum of steps for getting the result – all this makes the process of data collection through our web service fast and comfortable.

To start the work it is enough for you to contact a personal manager and get necessary passwords and access codes. If there are any difficulties a manager will consult you and train how to use the service in a right way, in order to make the process of company search by OGRN more comfortable and clear. It is possible to leave an application online as well.

If you are just starting to use the service and want to test its capabilities, then you will be provided with a free trial access, in terms of which the checking by OGRN is also available. All the data provided by the web service are up-to-date. Here you will not face outdated information.

Indeed, such information on a company is publicly available. The whole problem is how to get it. It is possible to order necessary reports at the tax office too, however it is not convenient and the report will be provided in some time only. Our service lets avoid such complications and see necessary data right after the appropriate inquiry.

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