Analysis of business partner’s purchases

Whatever the business, there is always a risk of cooperation with a business partner which may turn out to be dishonest. Nobody is immune to that, but it is possible to prevent from such a situation and protect the company from undesirable cooperation with the service. With the help of this service you can analyze business partner’s purchases without delay and get a comprehensive result.

Purchases control and checking

Until quite recently it was possible to get information on those purchases within government contracts only. Nowadays the service lets get the more detailed analysis with those public purchases where this or that customer or supplier took part. It helps you to find out what sphere is being the point of interest for the business partner.

The service provides with the result that includes the register of contracts and purchases with the assigned status:

  • A government contract was concluded;

  • A government contract is under formation process;

  • Participation in public purchases, but the winner is not determined;

  • One participant took part in the purchase procedure;

  • Purchase failed;

  • Purchase is not won;

  • Performance is discontinued.

The last mentioned point identifies purchase procedure stop. It depends on several reasons, the parties withdrew from the agreement mutually or a contractor did not fulfil contract terms.

There are companies participated both as a supplier and a customer. When analyzing it as a customer, then public purchases checking will show:

  • Purchases procedure winning;

  • How active a business partner is;

  • Activity for a definite period.

Besides, public purchases control lets obtain the most detailed data on a customer. For this you need to choose the purchase you are interested in, and then you will get the following detailed information:

  • Suppliers;

  • Participations and winnings quantity;

  • Contracts quantity;

  • Published purchases;

  • Planned purchases;

  • Commercial proceedings.

There is a possibility to see customer’s statistics concerning all operations. You should pay your attention to the cancelled purchases section, specifically the reason for cancellation. If there are many of them, you have a risk to toss the time out the window.

With the help of arbitration statistics you may get acquainted with court proceedings information. There may be a lot of reasons, but special attention should be paid to economic disputes. Most often this points to the fact that a customer ignores the payment or terms clause of the contract.

There is a register of mala fide suppliers, if a company or an enterprise proves to be such.

Contracts and suppliers registers

Unfortunately, you may face mala fide suppliers or customers anytime and anywhere. There are two definitions of the “mala fide” notion:

  • Negligence;

  • Fraud.

When considering fraud, you should understand that it is an entity which commits illegal acts for the purpose of self-interest and economic benefit.

The notion “negligence” also supposes the commitment of illegal acts or when the acts are committed in bad faith, but unlike the first variant the entity does not pursue self-interest.

But for the business leader it is always a high risk to have dealings with mala fide suppliers, regardless of the grounds by cooperation.

It is obligatory to pay attention to the following sections as the register of mala fide suppliers and arbitration. If we take for example arbitration cases, with respect to suppliers, the statistics helps to make some conclusions. It shows the number of proceedings, amount and the subject of dispute. In addition it states liabilities owed to a supplier. When combining the data, the conclusion is precise, that by heavy debts it is recommended to refuse cooperation.

The advantage of the analysis is an opportunity to analyze the own company and get extremely precise statistics. People often resort to such estimation in that cases when there is a new tender expert in a company and objective estimation is needed. If considered necessary to obtain the report on operations, winnings, contracts, participation.

The service for checking

With the help of service there is an opportunity to get detailed information concerning company’s transactions, the enterprise, to check the register of mala fide suppliers by INN. Thanks to technological capabilities of this service, the ways of checking and getting the result are increased.

To check the analysis of the existing company, enterprise, business partner there is no need to spend much time, efforts, to gather information you are not sure in, it is enough to apply to the service and get extremely detailed result. With the help of the obtained analysis you may insure against financial risk.

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