Scheduled inspections

A managing director of a company of any incorporation form is watchful of inspections. Supervisory bodies may arrive unexpectedly or within a framework of a scheduled inspection. The first variant is most often connected with complaints of employees or financial difficulties of business partners, and the second type of visit is planned in advance and has a specific intent.

Unscheduled and scheduled inspections of individual entrepreneurs and legal entities are regulated by the federal legislation (294-FZ dated December, 26, 2008 as revised in July, 03, 2016). Their interval is every 3 years (exceptions – Article 9 part 9 of the above mentioned Federal law).

There is an authority that has notice of absolutely every inspection of economic entities in the Russian Federation – it is the Prosecutor General Office. At the end of each year, the office elaborates a general plan with enumeration of companies and entrepreneurs, and also the inspection timing of their activity in the coming year. The document is published on the website of the Prosecutor General Office and remains publicly available.

The register of prosecution inspections

The main function accomplished by the register of prosecution inspection is to provide with activity transparency of supervisory and regulating bodies. Besides, the document lets a managing director coordinate his/her work schedule, if the timing of scheduled inspection is known in advance.

A secondary task of the Prosecutor General Office unified register is to secure entrepreneurs and companies against unjustified, exhaustible inspections of their activity (unfortunately, such cases also occur).

The register of the federal national information system contains the following data:

  • unscheduled and scheduled inspections of businessmen and legal entities;

  • starting and ending date of inspection;

  • object’s location;

  • the office initiating this visit;

  • upon the finish – results or reasons why inspection has not been accomplished.

Entrepreneurs and companies’ managing directors are notified of all scheduled inspections in advance, unscheduled visits are paid without prior notice.

Unified service for checking

Functionality of service lets check a business partner, entrepreneur or suspect partner in a split second. It is enough to enter INN or OGRN (for individual entrepreneurs - OGRNIP) at the searching field and the system will display all information on the object of your interest:

  • if a legal address belongs to mass registration ones;

  • bankruptcy signs;

  • outstanding enforcement proceedings;

  • extracts from the EGRUL (EGRIP);

  • participation in tenders and government contracts;

  • completed and active arbitration cases;

  • scheduled inspections, unscheduled visits (grouped by years);

  • other important information on a company or individual entrepreneur.

Scheduled inspection of companies is reflected in the card of the object of your interest and taken from the unified plan of the Russian Prosecutor General Office. That is why all data are accurate and objective. It is difficult to overestimate the meaning of these data – for example, prosecution inspection of an entrepreneur every quarter causes definite doubt in respect of such businessman’s reliability. There may be many reasons for complaints on the part of employees – from non-payment of salaries to violation of safety requirements.

A user of Birank service acquires evident advantages:

  • prosecution inspection will never be unexpected for him/her;

  • risks mitigation when choosing suppliers and contractors, elimination of unreliable partners on the basis of a system analysis by several parameters;

  • monitoring of subsidiaries’ activity;

  • information obtaining on rivals’ financial standing (profit, capital position and other indices of annual accounting report at runtime of several years).

A user of service is always armed with the most urgent information on its business partners, companions, other parties to the common market of goods and services. Analysis of obtained data offers their owner wonderful possibilities for promising business development and gradual profit markup. The cost of one-year subscription to the information system is acceptable for many companies and individual entrepreneurs, and benefit of using is evident.

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