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Liquidation date: 15.04.2015






Registration date: 4 April 2008

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15.03.2014INN ░░░░░░░░░░░░
Charter capital: ░░ ░░░ rub
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Registration at non-budgetary funds



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Федеральная служба судебных приставов (ФССП)


Arbitration cases



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Prosecutor-General's Office: inspection plan


Information disclosure


Bankruptcy information




Company profile OOO "JUG-SK"

Company OOO "JUG-SK" ( OBSHHESTVO S OGRANICHENNOY OTVETSTVENNOSTJHJU "JUG-SK" 0105054878 was officially registered at: Republic Adihgeja, City Maykop, Street Pionerskaja, House D.416. The company is registered 04.04.2008. The company is assigned the Primary State Registration Number (OGRN) - 1080105001580.
The company OOO "JUG-SK" registered 04.04.2008. в Mezhrayonnaja inspekcija Federaljhnoy nalogovoy sluzhbih №1 po Respublike Adihgeja.
Then the procedure of registration at was initiated Otdelenie Fonda pensionnogo i socialjhnogo strakhovanija Rossiyskoy Federacii po Respublike Adihgeja, that afterwards is dated 04.04.2008.
The last entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities relating to this company is: Predstavlenie svedeniy ob uchete juridicheskogo lica v nalogovom organe.

Company’s managing director

Managing director is liquidator Saad Irina SHumafovna. For more detailed information You may open the company’s profile and check it for reliability.

Company’s activity

According to the documents, company’s core business pursuant to the Russian Classification of Economic Activities is (OKVED code: )

Secondary OKVED codes:

  • 50.50 - Motor fuel retail trade,
  • 60.24 - Freight transport by road,
  • 45.1 - Construction site preparation,
  • 45.11 - Buildings demolition; digging works,
  • 45.11.1 - Buildings demolition, construction sites clearing,
  • 45.11.2 - Earthworks,
  • 45.21 - General construction works,
  • 45.21.1 - General works on buildings construction,
  • 45.21.3 - General works on main pipelines, communication lines and power lines construction,
  • 45.21.4 - General works on local pipelines, communication lines and power lines construction, including related support works,
  • 45.21.6 - General works on other buildings and structures construction, not elsewhere classified,
  • 45.21.7 - Mounting of prefabricated buildings and structures,
  • 45.25 - Other construction works,
  • 45.45 - Other building completion and finishing,
  • 45.50 - Renting of construction machinery and equipment with operator,
  • 50.20 - Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles,
  • 50.20.1 - Light-duty vehicles maintenance and repairing,
  • 50.20.2 - Maintenance and repair of other motor vehicles,
  • 50.20.3 - Other services on motor vehicles maintenance,
  • 50.30 - Sale of motor vehicle parts and accessories,
  • 50.30.1 - Wholesale trade in automobile parts and accessories,
  • 50.30.2 - Retail trade in automobile parts and accessories,
  • 50.30.3 - Trade in automobile parts and accessories through agents,
  • 51.22 - Wholesale trade in flowers and other plants,
  • 51.23 - Wholesale trade in live animals,
  • 51.24 - Wholesale trade in woolfell and skin,
  • 51.25 - Wholesale trade in green tobacco,
  • 51.31.1 - Wholesale trade in potato,
  • 51.31.2 - Wholesale trade in unprocessed vegetables, fruit and nuts,
  • 51.32.1 - Wholesale trade in meat and poultry, including by-products,
  • 51.32.11 - Wholesale trade in meat, including by-products,
  • 51.32.12 - Wholesale trade in poultry, including by-products,
  • 51.32.2 - Wholesale trade in meat and poultry products,
  • 51.32.3 - Wholesale trade in canned meat and canned poultry,
  • 51.33.1 - Wholesale trade in dairy products,
  • 51.33.2 - Wholesale trade in eggs,
  • 51.33.3 - Wholesale trade in table oil and fats,
  • 51.34.1 - Wholesale trade in alcohol-free beverages,
  • 51.34.2 - Wholesale trade in alcohol beverages, including beer,
  • 51.34.21 - Wholesale trade in alcohol beverages, except for beer,
  • 51.34.22 - Wholesale trade in beer,
  • 51.36.1 - Wholesale trade in sugar,
  • 51.36.2 - Wholesale trade in sugary confectionary products, including chocolate, ice cream and frozen desserts,
  • 51.36.21 - Wholesale trade in sugary confectionary products, including chocolate,
  • 51.36.22 - Wholesale trade in ice cream and frozen desserts,
  • 51.38.1 - Wholesale trade in fish, sea food and canned fish,
  • 74.1 - Activity in the sphere of law, accounting and auditing; commercial activity and enterprise management consultancy,
  • 74.11 - Legal activities,
  • 74.12 - Accounting and auditing activity,
  • 74.12.1 - Accounting activity,
  • 74.12.2 - Auditing activity,
  • 74.13 - Исследование конъюнктуры рынка и выявление общественного мнения,
  • 74.13.1 - Market research,
  • 74.13.2 - Public opinion polling,
  • 74.14 - Business and other management consultancy activities,
  • 74.15 - Activity on finance-industrial groups and holding companies management,
  • 74.15.1 - Activity on finance-industrial groups management,
  • 74.15.2 - Activity on holding companies management,
  • 74.20 - Architecture activity; engineering and technical designing; geological exploration and geophysic works; geodesic and cartography activity; standardization and metrology activity; activity in hydrometeorology sphere and spheres adjusted with it; activities related to technical problems solving, not elsewhere classified,
  • 74.20.1 - Activity in the sphere of architecture, engineer-technical design in industry and construction,
  • 74.20.11 - Architecture activity,
  • 74.20.12 - Проектирование производственных помещений, включая размещение машин и оборудования, промышленный дизайн,
  • 74.20.13 - Design associated with engineering structures construction, including hydraulic structures; traffic flow design,
  • 74.20.14 - Industrial process and production projects development, related to electrical technology, electronic technology, mining, chemical engineering, machine industry, and also industrial construction, system engineering and safety arrangements,
  • 74.20.15 - Design development in the sphere of air conditioning, refrigeration, sanitary installations and monitoring of environmental pollution, building acoustics, etc.,
  • 74.20.2 - Геолого - разведочные, геофизические и геохимические работы в области изучения недр,
  • 74.20.3 - Geodesic and cartographic activity,
  • 74.20.31 - Topographic and geodesic activity,
  • 74.20.32 - Картографическая деятельность, включая деятельность в области наименований географических объектов,
  • 74.20.33 - Hydrographic survey work,
  • 74.20.34 - Деятельность, связанная с подготовкой картографической и космической информации, включая аэросъемку,
  • 74.20.35 - Engineering survey for construction,
  • 74.20.36 - Land management,
  • 74.20.4 - Activity in the sphere of standardization and metrology,
  • 74.20.41 - Standardization activity,
  • 74.20.42 - Metrology activities,
  • 74.20.44 - Accreditation activities,
  • 74.20.45 - State control and supervision of standards, measurement and mandatory certifications,
  • 74.20.5 - Деятельность в области гидрометеорологии и смежных с ней областях,
  • 74.20.51 - Океанографические работы,
  • 74.20.52 - Гелиогеофизические работы,
  • 74.20.53 - Работы по активному воздействию на гидрометеорологические и геофизические процессы и явления,
  • 74.20.54 - Работы по метеорологии, климатологии, гидрологии,
  • 74.20.55 - Работы по мониторингу состояния и загрязнения окружающей природной среды,
  • 74.20.56 - Предоставление информации о состоянии и загрязнении окружающей природной среды,
  • 51.3 - Wholesale trade in food product, including beverages, and tobacco,
  • 51.4 - Wholesale trade in non-food consumer goods,
  • 51.5 - Wholesale trade in nonagricultural intermediate products, waste products and bars,
  • 51.6 - Wholesale trade in machinery and equipment,
  • 51.7 - Wholesale trade of another kind,
  • 52.1 - Retail trade at non-specialized shops,
  • 52.2 - Retail trade in food products, including beverages, and tobacco, at specialized shops,
  • 52.3 - Retail trade in pharmaceutical and medical goods, cosmetic and perfumery goods,
  • 52.4 - Retail trade of another kind at specialized shops,
  • 52.5 - Retail trade in previously used goods at shops,
  • 52.6 - Retail trade out of shops,
  • 65.2 - Finance intermediation of another kind,
  • 66.01 - Страхование жизни и накопление,
  • 66.02 - Негосударственное пенсионное обеспечение,
  • 66.03 - Other kinds of insurance,
  • 67.12 - Биржевые операции с фондовыми ценностями,
  • 67.13 - Another support activity in the sphere of finance intermediation,
  • 70.1 - Preparation to sale, own immovable property purchase and sale,
  • 70.2 - Own property letting,
  • 70.3 - Rendering of intermediary services related to real estate,
  • 72.1 - Computing hardware consulting,
  • 72.2 - Software development and consulting in this sphere,
  • 72.3 - Data processing,
  • 72.4 - Database and information resources creation and usage,
  • 72.60 - Other activities related to the use of computers and information technology,
  • 74.8 - Various services rendering.
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