The list of Russian enterprises
grouped by type of activity

The ”Birank” program presents a structured catalogue aimed at optimization of time and efficiency of business information search on our web pages.

The undeniable advantage of this catalogue is distinct branch-wise structuring of companies.

We did our best to embrace almost all promising branches in contemporary business: agriculture, mining works, food, consumer goods and heavy industry, energy, construction, communication, various forms of intermediation and trade, transport, healthcare, social and cultural sphere. Each of the listed branches is presented by a complex of detailed categories – for example, economic activity is presented by three points: agriculture itself and hunting, forestry and fishing-aquaculture. The total number of such categories is 95.

Enterprises that do not have a definite activity and companies that have not stated this aspect by registration are brought into separate sections. Each of these categories contains an inner structure that lets close in as much as possible. Opening the necessary section, you get a list of companies engaged in this sphere. You may obtain a report from the EGRUL, a financial statement and a wide range of other data (the service called “Comprehensive data”) on every company, and general data are provided for free. Please, pay your attention to the fact that it will take about 1 minute to obtain the most comprehensive data, at the same time the information will be 100% up-to-date.

Using this catalogue, you will be able to select a business partner without delay or determine main competitors, being guided just by activity area: now it is not necessary to know even the name of a company for searching! You just choose the branch you are interested in and look through the general information on these enterprises.

Companies directory by regions of Russia:

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