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*This company name does not have any full force and effect, it is translated for your operability in checking

Status: Исключение из ЕГРЮЛ недействующего юридического лица 24.07.2015
Liquidation date: 24.07.2015






Registration date: 1 April 2004

Registration address:

Director general

01.04.2004INN ░░░░░░░░░░░░
Wholesale trade in other non-food consumer goods
Charter capital: ░░░ ░░░ rub
░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░ 3
░░ ░░░ rub INN ░░░░░░░░░░░░
Registration at non-budgetary funds



Федеральная служба судебных приставов (ФССП)


Entries from USRLE

░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░ ░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░ ░ ░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░
░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░ (░░░░░░░░░░ ░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░)
░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░ ░ ░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░ ░░ ░░░░░ (░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░)

Arbitration cases



No information

Государственные контракты и закупки


Prosecutor-General's Office: inspection plan


Information disclosure


Bankruptcy information




Company profile OOO "EHDS"

Company OOO "EHDS" ( OBSHHESTVO S OGRANICHENNOY OTVETSTVENNOSTJHJU "EHDS" 6321133966 was officially registered at: Region Samara, City Toljhjatti, Street Voskresenskaja, House D.24. The company is registered 01.04.2004. The company is assigned the Primary State Registration Number (OGRN) - 1046301009864.
The company OOO "EHDS" registered 01.04.2004. в Mezhrayonnaja inspekcija Federaljhnoy nalogovoy sluzhbih № 2 po Samarskoy oblasti.
Then the procedure of registration at was initiated Otdelenie Fonda pensionnogo i socialjhnogo strakhovanija Rossiyskoy Federacii po Samarskoy oblasti, that afterwards is dated 01.04.2004.
The last entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities relating to this company is: Predstavlenie svedeniy ob uchete juridicheskogo lica v nalogovom organe.

Company’s managing director

Managing director is director general Bondarenko Vjacheslav Borisovich. For more detailed information You may open the company’s profile and check it for reliability.

Company’s activity

According to the documents, company’s core business pursuant to the Russian Classification of Economic Activities is Wholesale trade in other non-food consumer goods (OKVED code: 51.47)

Secondary OKVED codes:

  • 52.48.13 - Retail trade in computers, software and peripherals,
  • 60.24 - Freight transport by road,
  • 55.40 - Bar business,
  • 55.30 - Restaurant and café business,
  • 55.23.5 - Business of other places for temporary accommodation, not elsewhere classified,
  • 55.11 - Business of hotels with a restaurant,
  • 52.62 - Retail trade at stalls and markets,
  • 52.48.32 - Retail trade in flowers and other plants, seeds and fertilizers,
  • 52.48.14 - Розничная торговля фотоаппаратурой, оптическими и точными приборами,
  • 60.24.1 - Motor cargo specialized transport activity,
  • 52.48.1 - Specialized retail trade in office furniture, office equipment, computers, optics and photo equipment,
  • 52.45.4 - Retail trade in technical media (with and without records),
  • 52.45.3 - Retail trade in audio and video equipment,
  • 52.45.2 - Retail trade in radio and television equipment,
  • 52.45 - Retail trade in household appliances, radio and television equipment,
  • 52.44.6 - Retail trade in household goods and appliances, not elsewhere classified,
  • 52.33 - Retail trade in cosmetic and perfumery products,
  • 52.32 - Retail trade in medical goods and orthopedic products,
  • 63.21.24 - Garages, parking spaces for vehicles, bicycles, etc. operation and maintenance,
  • 63.30 - Travel agency activities,
  • 63.40 - Cargo transportation organization,
  • 70.11.1 - Home staging of own residential real estate,
  • 70.11.2 - Home staging of own non-residential real estate,
  • 70.20 - Own property letting,
  • 70.20.1 - Own residential property letting,
  • 70.32.2 - Non-residential stock management,
  • 74.11 - Legal activities,
  • 74.12 - Accounting and auditing activity,
  • 74.20.13 - Design associated with engineering structures construction, including hydraulic structures; traffic flow design,
  • 74.20.14 - Industrial process and production projects development, related to electrical technology, electronic technology, mining, chemical engineering, machine industry, and also industrial construction, system engineering and safety arrangements,
  • 74.20.3 - Geodesic and cartographic activity,
  • 74.20.31 - Topographic and geodesic activity,
  • 74.40 - Promotional activity,
  • 51.13 - Agents involved in the sale of timber and building materials,
  • 51.17.2 - Agents involved in the sale of beverages,
  • 51.17 - Activity of agents on food products wholesale trade, including beverages, and tobacco trade,
  • 51.15.5 - Activity of agents on other household goods wholesale trade,
  • 51.15.41 - Activity of agents on radio and television equipment wholesale trade,
  • 51.15.4 - Activity of agents on radio and television equipment, technical media (with and without records) wholesale trade,
  • 51.15.3 - Agents involved in the sale of electrical appliances and household wiring goods,
  • 51.14.1 - Activity of agents on office equipment and computing technology wholesale trade,
  • 51.14 - Activity of agents on machinery, equipment, watercraft and aircraft wholesale trade,
  • 51.17.22 - Agents involved in the sale of spirits, except beer,
  • 51.12.37 - Activity of agents on other basic chemicals wholesale trade,
  • 51.12.3 - Activity of agents on chemicals wholesale trade,
  • 51.12.23 - Activity of agents on nonferrous metals wholesale trade, except for precious metals trade,
  • 51.12 - Agents involved in the sale of fuels, ores, metals and industrial chemicals,
  • 51.11.2 - Activity of agents on agricultural stuff, fibrous material, uncooked food wholesale trade,
  • 45.21.7 - Mounting of prefabricated buildings and structures,
  • 45.21.1 - General works on buildings construction,
  • 45.21 - General construction works,
  • 51.17.23 - Agents involved in the sale of beer,
  • 51.18.1 - Activity of agents, specialized in wholesale trade in pharmaceutical and medical goods, perfumery and cosmetic goods, including soap,
  • 51.18.2 - Agents specialised in the sale of goods, not elsewhere classified,
  • 51.34 - Wholesale trade in alcohol and other beverages,
  • 51.34.2 - Wholesale trade in alcohol beverages, including beer,
  • 51.35 - Wholesale trade in tobacco,
  • 51.37 - Wholesale trade in coffee, tea, cacao and kitchen herbs,
  • 51.38 - Wholesale trade in other food products,
  • 51.38.2 - Wholesale trade in other food products,
  • 51.46 - Wholesale trade in pharmaceutical and medical goods, medical equipment and orthopedic goods,
  • 51.47 - Wholesale trade in other non-food consumer goods,
  • 51.64.2 - Wholesale trade in computers and peripherals,
  • 51.65.1 - Оптовая торговля транспортными средствами и оборудованием,
  • 51.65.4 - Wholesale trade in machinery and equipment for production of food products, including beverages, and tobacco,
  • 51.65.5 - Wholesale trade in production electric and electronic equipment, including telecommunication equipment.
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