Steam boilers production, except for central-heating boilers; nuclear reactors production
There are no companies found in the current category in the Sevastopol
↑ Production of ready-made metal products
Производство паровых котлов и их составных частей
Production of nuclear reactors and their components
Предоставление услуг по монтажу, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту ядерных реакторови паровых котлов, кроме котлов центрального отопления
Manufacture of pedestrian-controlled tractors
Manufacture of tractors for agriculture
Manufacture of wheeled tractors for agriculture
Manufacture of crawler tractors for agriculture
Manufacture of agricultural machinery for soil cultivation
Manufacture of mowers for lawns, parks or sports grounds
Manufacture of harvesting machines
Manufacture of grain combine harvesters
Manufacture of forage combine harvesters
Manufacture of root or nodule collecting machines
Manufacture of other harvesting machines
Manufacture of mechanical units for liquids or powders dispersing or spraying, used in agriculture or gardening
Manufacture of self-loading or self-emptying trailers and semi-trailers for agriculture
Manufacture of other agricultural machinery
Manufacture of machines for shelling, processing or sizing of eggs, fruit or other agricultural products, except seeds, grain or dry bean cultures
Manufacture of milking machines
Manufacture of equipment for animal feedstuff mixing
Manufacture of incubators and brooders for poultry farming
Manufacture of machinery for poultry keeping
Manufacture of other equipment for agriculture, gardening, forestry, poultry farming or bee keeping, not elsewhere classified
Производство машин и оборудования для лесного хозяйства