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Status: Active







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Registration date: 10 December 2010

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31.01.2020INN ░░░░░░░░░░░░
Other research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering
Charter capital: ░░ ░░░ rub
░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░ 2
░░ ░░░ rub INN ░░░░░░░░░░░░
Registration at non-budgetary funds



Arbitration cases


Entries from USRLE

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Федеральная служба судебных приставов (ФССП)



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Company profile OOO "GRAD"

Company OOO "GRAD" ( OBSHHESTVO S OGRANICHENNOY OTVETSTVENNOSTJHJU "GRAD" 7610089475 was officially registered at: Region Yaroslavl, District Rihbinskiy, City Rihbinsk, Street Pjatiletki, House House 60. The company is registered 10.12.2010. The company is assigned the Primary State Registration Number (OGRN) - 1107610004633.
The company OOO "GRAD" registered 10.12.2010. в Mezhrayonnaja inspekcija Federaljhnoy nalogovoy sluzhbih № 7 po JAroslavskoy oblasti.
Then the procedure of registration at was initiated Otdelenie Fonda pensionnogo i socialjhnogo strakhovanija Rossiyskoy Federacii po JAroslavskoy oblasti, that afterwards is dated 10.12.2010.
Otdelenie Fonda pensionnogo i socialjhnogo strakhovanija Rossiyskoy Federacii po JAroslavskoy oblasti registered the company 10.12.2010.
The last entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities relating to this company is: Izmenenie svedeniy o juridicheskom lice, soderzhashhikhsja v Edinom gosudarstvennom reestre juridicheskikh lic.

Company’s managing director

Managing director is director Kalugin Dmitriy Mikhaylovich. For more detailed information You may open the company’s profile and check it for reliability.

Company’s activity

According to the documents, company’s core business pursuant to the Russian Classification of Economic Activities is Other research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering (OKVED code: 72.19)

Secondary OKVED codes:

  • 26.40.21 - Manufacture of TV sets with electron ray tube,
  • 26.30.18 - Manufacture of television cameras,
  • 26.30.2 - Manufacture of termination (user) equipment for telephone or telegraph communication, video communication apparatus,
  • 26.30.21 - Manufacture of user (termination) equipment for wire line telephone with wire or wireless phone receivers,
  • 26.30.22 - Manufacture of telephone apparatus for work in cellular or other wireless network,
  • 26.30.29 - Manufacture of other telephone apparatus, facilities and devices for voice, image or other data communication, including communication equipment for work in wire or wireless network (for example, local and global networks),
  • 26.30.3 - Manufacture of spare parts and components of communication equipment,
  • 26.30.4 - Manufacture of aerials, aerial reflectors of all kinds and their parts,
  • 26.30.5 - Manufacture of spare parts and components of radio- and television transmitting equipment and television cameras,
  • 26.30.6 - Manufacture of security and fire alarms and similar devices,
  • 26.40 - Manufacture of consumer electronics,
  • 26.40.1 - Manufacture of radio sets,
  • 26.40.2 - Manufacture of television sets, including video monitors and projectors,
  • 26.30.19 - Manufacture of other communication equipment,
  • 26.40.22 - Manufacture of liquid crystal and plasma TV sets,
  • 26.40.23 - Manufacture of video monitors and projectors,
  • 26.40.3 - Manufacture of apparatus for sound and image recording and reproduction,
  • 26.40.4 - Manufacture of electroacoustic apparatus,
  • 26.40.5 - Manufacture of parts for audio and video equipment,
  • 63.99.1 - Consultation and information service activities,
  • 63.99 - Other information service activities not elsewhere classified,
  • 63.91 - News agency activities,
  • 63.11.9 - Other hosting activities,
  • 63.12.1 - Web publishing activity,
  • 63.12 - Web portals,
  • 26.30.16 - Manufacture of communication equipment, including software for special investigation activities,
  • 63.99.2 - Headline news forming activities, printed media and related information collating,
  • 63.99.12 - Information search service acivities on a contract or fee basis,
  • 63.99.11 - Computer information phone service activities,
  • 26.11 - Manufacture of electronic components,
  • 26.11.1 - Manufacture of electronic vacuum lamps and tubes and other electronic vacuum devices,
  • 26.11.2 - Manufacture of diodes, transistors and other semiconductor devices, including light emitting diodes, piezoelectric devices and their parts,
  • 26.11.3 - Manufacture of integrated electronics,
  • 26.11.9 - Manufacture of parts of electronic lamps, tubes and other electronic components, not elsewhere classified,
  • 26.12 - Manufacture of loaded electronic boards,
  • 26.20 - Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipment,
  • 26.20.1 - Manufacture of computers,
  • 26.20.2 - Manufacture of peripheral equipment,
  • 26.20.3 - Manufacture of memory devices and other data storage units,
  • 26.20.4 - Manufacture of information security facilities, and also information and telecommunication systems, secured with the use of information security facilities,
  • 26.20.9 - Manufacture of other automated data processing devices,
  • 26.30 - Manufacture of communication equipment,
  • 26.30.1 - Manufacture of communication apparatus, radio- and television transmitting equipment, television cameras,
  • 26.30.11 - Manufacture of communication facilities serving as switching systems,
  • 26.30.12 - Manufacture of communication facilities serving as digital transport systems,
  • 26.30.13 - Manufacture of communication facilities serving as management and monitoring systems,
  • 26.30.14 - Manufacture of equipment, used for accounting the amount of communication services rendered,
  • 26.30.15 - Manufacture of communications electronics,
  • 26.30.17 - Manufacture of radio- and television transmitting equipment,
  • 46.69.8 - Wholesale of therapeutic machinery, equipment and tools,
  • 46.69.9 - Wholesale of other machinery, devices, facilities and equipment of general industrial and special purposes,
  • 46.69.7 - Wholesale of measuring devices and equipment,
  • 46.76.3 - Wholesale of plastics and rubber in primary forms,
  • 46.74.3 - Wholesale of hand tools,
  • 46.72.21 - Wholesale of ferrous metals in primary forms,
  • 46.72.22 - Wholesale of non-ferrous metals in primary forms, except precious ones,
  • 46.73.4 - Wholesale of paintwork materials,
  • 46.75.2 - Wholesale of industrial chemicals,
  • 46.74.1 - Wholesale of hardware,
  • 46.74.2 - Wholesale of plumbing and heating equipment and sanitary fittings,
  • 46.69.5 - Wholesale of industrial electrical equipment, machinery and facilities,
  • 46.69.3 - Wholesale of lifting and handling machinery and equipment,
  • 46.69.2 - Wholesale of operating materials and machinery details,
  • 46.77 - Wholesale of waste and scrap,
  • 46.62.3 - Wholesale of machines for other materials working,
  • 46.62.2 - Wholesale of metal forming machines,
  • 46.52.2 - Wholesale of electronic equipment and parts,
  • 46.51.1 - Wholesale of computers and peripheral equipment,
  • 46.46.2 - Wholesale of medical goods,
  • 46.44.1 - Wholesale of china and glassware,
  • 28.12 - Manufacture of fluid and air power equipment,
  • 62.02 - Computer consultancy activities,
  • 62.09 - Other information technology and computer service activities,
  • 63.11 - Data processing, hosting and related activities,
  • 63.11.1 - Database and information resources creation and usage,
  • 72.19 - Other research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering,
  • 62.01 - Computer programming activities,
  • 46.72 - Wholesale of metals and metal ores,
  • 46.69 - Wholesale of other machinery and equipment,
  • 46.63 - Wholesale of mining, construction and civil engineering machinery,
  • 46.62 - Wholesale of machine tools,
  • 46.61 - Wholesale of agricultural machinery, equipment and supplies,
  • 28.41 - Manufacture of metal forming machinery,
  • 28.14 - Manufacture of other taps and valves,
  • 25.50 - Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal, powder metallurgy,
  • 25.99 - Manufacture of other fabricated metal products, not elsewhere classified,
  • 25.73 - Manufacture of tools,
  • 25.62 - Machining,
  • 25.61 - Treatment and coating of metals,
  • 46.9 - Non-specialised wholesale trade,
  • 46.74 - Wholesale of hardware, plumbing and heating equipment and supplies.
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