Sewage, waste disposal and similar activities
There are no companies found in the current category in the Orenburg Region
↑ Sewage, waste disposal and similar activities
Sewage, waste disposal and similar activities
Sewage, waste disposal and similar activities
Сбор и обработка сточных вод(введен изменением 1/2007 оквэд, утв. приказом ростехрегулирования от 22.11.2007 n 329-ст)
Сбор и обработка прочих отходов(введен изменением 1/2007 оквэд, утв. приказом ростехрегулирования от 22.11.2007 n 329-ст)
Уборка территории, восстановление после загрязнения и аналогичная деятельность (введен изменением 1/2007 оквэд, утв. приказом ростехрегулирования от 22.11.2007 n 329-ст)
Creative, arts and entertainment activities
Performing arts
Support activities to performing arts
Artistic creation
Operation of arts facilities
Sewage, waste disposal and similar activities
Sewage, waste disposal and similar activities
Sewage, waste disposal and similar activities
Activities of religious organizations
Sewage, waste disposal and similar activities
Sewage, waste disposal and similar activities