PSRN: 1025405013864, INN: 5426101649;
PSRN: 1025405013864, INN: 5426101649;
RCEA: Wholesale of grain
PSRN: 1075405014080, INN: 5405345612;
RCEA: Feed crop growing; vegetable feed harvesting
PSRN: 1025405009410, INN: 5426101712;
RCEA: Secondary general education
PSRN: 1025405014194, INN: 5426102829;
PSRN: 1135456000261, INN: 5426102730;
RCEA: Forestry
PSRN: 1085456000079, INN: 5426103734;
RCEA: Silviculture and other forestry activities
PSRN: 1115456000912, INN: 5426104110;
RCEA: Forestry
PSRN: 1025405013600, INN: 5426100155;
PSRN: 1025405012203, INN: 5426101046;
PSRN: 1025405014711, INN: 5426100123;
RCEA: Residential care activities
PSRN: 1095456000848, INN: 5426103967;
RCEA: Public authority activities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation on exercising of their powers in cities and districts
PSRN: 1075456001070, INN: 5426103727;
RCEA: Other social work activities without accommodation not elsewhere classified
PSRN: 1185476100897, INN: 5426124445;
RCEA: Social services
PSRN: 1025405014304, INN: 5426103340;
RCEA: Social work activities without accommodation for the elderly and disabled
PSRN: 1065456025667, INN: 5426103580;
RCEA: Activity of public authorities of Russian territorial entities, exercising their power in cities and regions
PSRN: 1045405013609, INN: 5426102530;
RCEA: Activities of other membership organizations not elsewhere classified
PSRN: 1155476119952, INN: 5426124269;
RCEA: Repair of machinery
PSRN: 1055466000083, INN: 5426102650;
RCEA: Retail trade in food products, including beverages, and tobacco preemptively, at non-specialized shops
PSRN: 1065456024061, INN: 5426103205;
RCEA: Retail trade of another kind at non-specialized shops
PSRN: 1025405013237, INN: 5426103798;
RCEA: Cereals and grain legume crops growing
PSRN: 1025405011609, INN: 5426103413;
PSRN: 1025405012137, INN: 5426100074;
RCEA: Growing of cereals
PSRN: 1025405012379, INN: 5426103773;
RCEA: Wholesale trade in food product, including beverages, and tobacco
PSRN: 1075456000762, INN: 5426103653;
RCEA: Supplementary education for children and adults
PSRN: 1035405009200, INN: 5426103822;
PSRN: 1025405011873, INN: 5426103533;
RCEA: Wholesale trade in grain
PSRN: 1025405009717, INN: 5426101945;
PSRN: 1025405014205, INN: 5426100571;
RCEA: Activities of trade unions
PSRN: 1055400010907, INN: 5426102970;
PSRN: 1045405009616, INN: 5426100740;
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