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Status: Исключение из ЕГРЮЛ недействующего юридического лица 27.01.2012
Liquidation date: 27.01.2012






Registration date: 27 July 2006

Registration address:


07.10.2008INN ░░░░░░░░░░░░
Retail trade in meat and poultry, including by-products
Charter capital: ░░ ░░░ rub
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Registration at non-budgetary funds

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Company profile OOO "AGROTORG"

Company OOO "AGROTORG" ( OBSHHESTVO S OGRANICHENNOY OTVETSTVENNOSTJHJU "AGROTORG" 1644040607 was officially registered at: Republic Tatarstan, District Aljhmetjhevskiy, Selo Kichuchatovo, Street Juldash, House D.1. The company is registered 27.07.2006. The company is assigned the Primary State Registration Number (OGRN) - 1061644064790.
The company OOO "AGROTORG" registered 27.07.2006. в Mezhrayonnaja inspekcija Federaljhnoy nalogovoy sluzhbih № 16 po Respublike Tatarstan.
Then the procedure of registration at was initiated Otdelenie Fonda pensionnogo i socialjhnogo strakhovanija Rossiyskoy Federacii po Respublike Tatarstan, that afterwards is dated 27.07.2006.
Filial №10 Gosudarstvennoe uchrezhdenie-regionaljhnoe otdelenija Fonda socialjhnogo strakhovanija Rossiyskoy Federacii po Respublike Tatarstan registered the company 27.07.2006.
The last entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities relating to this company is: Predstavlenie svedeniy o registracii juridicheskogo lica v kachestve strakhovatelja v ispolniteljhnom organe Fonda socialjhnogo strakhovanija Rossiyskoy Federacii.

Company’s managing director

Managing director is director Mukhtarov Fajaz Vadutovich. For more detailed information You may open the company’s profile and check it for reliability.

Company’s activity

According to the documents, company’s core business pursuant to the Russian Classification of Economic Activities is Retail trade in meat and poultry, including by-products (OKVED code: 52.22.1)

Secondary OKVED codes:

  • 52.24.21 - Retail trade in flour confectionary products,
  • 52.27.31 - Retail trade in flour and pasta,
  • 52.27.22 - Retail trade in vegetable oil,
  • 52.27.21 - Retail trade in animal oil and fat,
  • 52.27.12 - Retail trade in eggs,
  • 52.27.11 - Retail trade in dairy products,
  • 52.27 - Retail trade of another kind in food products at specialized shops,
  • 52.26 - Retail trade in tobacco,
  • 52.25.2 - Retail trade in alcohol-free beverages,
  • 52.25.1 - Retail trade in alcohol beverages, including beer,
  • 52.24.3 - Retail trade in ice cream and frozen desserts,
  • 52.24.22 - Retail trade in sugary confectionary products, including chocolate,
  • 52.27.32 - Retail trade in grits,
  • 52.24.2 - Retail trade in confectionary products,
  • 52.24.1 - Retail trade in bread and bakery products,
  • 52.23.2 - Retail trade in canned fish and seafood,
  • 52.23.1 - Retail trade in fish and seafood,
  • 52.22.3 - Retail trade in canned meat and poultry,
  • 52.22.2 - Retail trade in meat and poultry products,
  • 52.22.1 - Retail trade in meat and poultry, including by-products,
  • 52.21 - Retail trade in fruit, vegetables and potato,
  • 51.66.2 - Wholesale trade in other machinery and equipment for agriculture and forestry,
  • 51.66.1 - Wholesale trade in tractors ,
  • 51.38.28 - Wholesale trade in salt,
  • 52.48.31 - Retail trade in household products, synthetic detergents, wall papers and floor covering,
  • 93.02 - Hairdressing and other beauty treatment,
  • 71.33.2 - Computers and equipment renting,
  • 71.2 - Other transport vehicles and equipment renting,
  • 71.10 - Light motor vehicle renting,
  • 70.20.2 - Own non-residential property letting,
  • 63.12.4 - Other freight storage and warehousing,
  • 63.12.3 - Grain storage and warehousing,
  • 52.63 - Retail trade of another kind out of shops,
  • 52.62 - Retail trade at stalls and markets,
  • 52.61 - Retail order trade,
  • 52.48.32 - Retail trade in flowers and other plants, seeds and fertilizers,
  • 51.38.27 - Wholesale trade in grits,
  • 52.46.6 - Retail trade in garden equipment and tools,
  • 52.46.2 - Retail trade in paint, polish and enamel,
  • 52.44.5 - Retail trade in wood products, cork and braids,
  • 52.33.2 - Retail trade in beauty and laundry soap,
  • 52.33.1 - Retail trade in cosmetic and perfumery products, except for soap,
  • 52.27.39 - Retail trade in other food products, not elsewhere classified,
  • 52.27.36 - Retail trade in tea, coffee, cacao,
  • 52.27.35 - Retail trade in salt,
  • 52.27.34 - Retail trade in sugar,
  • 52.27.33 - Retail trade in canned fruit, vegetables, nuts and the like,
  • 18.1 - Manufacture of leather clothes,
  • 51.31.1 - Wholesale trade in potato,
  • 51.24 - Wholesale trade in woolfell and skin,
  • 51.23 - Wholesale trade in live animals,
  • 51.22 - Wholesale trade in flowers and other plants,
  • 51.21.5 - Wholesale trade in agricultural stuff, not elsewhere classified,
  • 51.21.4 - Wholesale trade in feed-stuff for agricultural animals,
  • 51.21.3 - Wholesale trade in oil seeds and oleaginous fruit,
  • 51.21.2 - Wholesale trade in seeds, except for oil seeds,
  • 51.21.1 - Wholesale trade in grain,
  • 18.3 - Fur dressing and dying; fur goods production,
  • 18.2 - Production of textile clothing and clothing accessories,
  • 51.31.2 - Wholesale trade in unprocessed vegetables, fruit and nuts,
  • 17.4 - Manufacture of made-up textile articles, except apparel,
  • 15.87 - Spices production,
  • 15.61.3 - Production of cereals, crude flour, pellets and other grain crop products,
  • 15.61.2 - Flour production from grain and vegetable crops and production of ready-made bake mix and baking dough,
  • 15.51.4 - Cheese production,
  • 15.51.3 - Butter production,
  • 15.51.14 - Production of cottage cheese and cream cheese stuff,
  • 15.51.13 - Fermented dairy production,
  • 15.51.12 - Sour cream and liquid cream production,
  • 15.51.11 - Processed liquid milk production,
  • 15.51.1 - Whole-milk stuff production,
  • 51.36 - Wholesale trade in sugar and sugary confectionary products, including chocolate,
  • 51.38.26 - Wholesale trade in flour and pasta,
  • 51.38.25 - Wholesale trade in flour confectionary,
  • 51.38.24 - Wholesale trade in bread and bake goods,
  • 51.38.23 - Wholesale trade in feed-stuff for domestic animals,
  • 51.38.22 - Wholesale trade in ready-made meals, including trade in baby and diet food, and other homogenized food products,
  • 51.38.21 - Wholesale trade in processed vegetables, potato, fruit and nuts,
  • 51.38.1 - Wholesale trade in fish, sea food and canned fish,
  • 51.38 - Wholesale trade in other food products,
  • 51.37 - Wholesale trade in coffee, tea, cacao and kitchen herbs,
  • 51.36.22 - Wholesale trade in ice cream and frozen desserts,
  • 51.36.1 - Wholesale trade in sugar,
  • 15.13.1 - Production of ready-to-eat and canned meat, poultry products, meat by-products and animal blood,
  • 51.35 - Wholesale trade in tobacco,
  • 51.34.2 - Wholesale trade in alcohol beverages, including beer,
  • 51.33.3 - Wholesale trade in table oil and fats,
  • 51.33.2 - Wholesale trade in eggs,
  • 51.33.1 - Wholesale trade in dairy products,
  • 51.32.3 - Wholesale trade in canned meat and canned poultry,
  • 51.32.2 - Wholesale trade in meat and poultry products,
  • 51.32.12 - Wholesale trade in poultry, including by-products,
  • 51.32.11 - Wholesale trade in meat, including by-products,
  • 51.32.1 - Wholesale trade in meat and poultry, including by-products.
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