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Liquidation date: 02.10.2014






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Managing director of liquidation committee

08.05.2014INN ░░░░░░░░░░░░
Добыча руд цветных металлов, кроме урановой и ториевой руд
Charter capital: ░ ░░░ ░░░ rub
░ ░░░░░░░░░ 2
░ ░░░ ░░░ rub
Registration at non-budgetary funds



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Company profile OOO GK "PJATJH ZVEZD"

Company OOO GK "PJATJH ZVEZD" ( OBSHHESTVO S OGRANICHENNOY OTVETSTVENNOSTJHJU GORNORUDNAJA KOMPANIJA "PJATJH ZVEZD" 2515010980 was officially registered at: Territory Primorye, District Kavalerovskiy, Township Gorodskogo Tipa Kavalerovo, Street Rabochaja, House D.47. The company is registered 05.07.2011. The company is assigned the Primary State Registration Number (OGRN) - 1112515000157.
The company OOO GK "PJATJH ZVEZD" registered 05.07.2011. в Mezhrayonnaja inspekcija Federaljhnoy nalogovoy sluzhbih № 5 po Primorskomu kraju.
Then the procedure of registration at was initiated Otdelenie Fonda pensionnogo i socialjhnogo strakhovanija Rossiyskoy Federacii po Primorskomu kraju, that afterwards is dated 05.07.2011.
Otdelenie Fonda pensionnogo i socialjhnogo strakhovanija Rossiyskoy Federacii po Primorskomu kraju registered the company 05.07.2011.
The last entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities relating to this company is: Likvidacija juridicheskogo lica.

Company’s managing director

Managing director is managing director of liquidation committee Lada Mikhail Gennadjhevich. For more detailed information You may open the company’s profile and check it for reliability.

Company’s activity

According to the documents, company’s core business pursuant to the Russian Classification of Economic Activities is Добыча руд цветных металлов, кроме урановой и ториевой руд (OKVED code: 13.2)

Secondary OKVED codes:

  • 13.20.6 - Mining of tin ore,
  • 13.20.9 - Добыча и обогащение сурьмяно - ртутных руд и руд прочих цветных металлов,
  • 51.52 - Wholesale trade in metals and metal ore,
  • 51.52.12 - Wholesale trade in nonferrous metal ore,
  • 51.52.23 - Wholesale trade in gold and other precious stones,
  • 51.56.3 - Wholesale trade in precious stones,
  • 02.01 - Forestry and logging,
  • 02.02 - Support services to forestry,
  • 10.10 - Mineral coal mining, dressing and agglomeration,
  • 10.20 - Brown coal mining, dressing and agglomeration,
  • 10.30 - Extraction and sintering of peat,
  • 11.10 - Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas,
  • 11.20 - Oil and gas production services,
  • 12.00 - Mining of uranium and thorium ores,
  • 13.1 - Mining of iron ores,
  • 13.2 - Добыча руд цветных металлов, кроме урановой и ториевой руд,
  • 14.1 - Rock pit development,
  • 14.2 - Gravel, sand and clay extraction,
  • 14.3 - Mineral raw materials mining for chemical industry and fertilizer production,
  • 14.4 - Salt production,
  • 14.5 - Other minerals mining, not elsewhere classified,
  • 16.00 - Manufacture of tobacco products,
  • 20.4 - Manufacture of wooden containers,
  • 20.5 - Production of other goods made of wood and cork, straw and plaiting materials,
  • 22.2 - Graphic printing activity and rendering of services in this sphere,
  • 24.1 - Basic chemicals production,
  • 24.6 - Manufacture of other chemical products,
  • 24.7 - Artificial and synthetic fibers production,
  • 25.1 - Manufacture of rubber products,
  • 25.2 - Plastic goods production,
  • 26.1 - Manufacture of glass and glass products,
  • 26.2 - Ceramic goods production, except for those used in construction,
  • 26.4 - Manufacture of bricks, tiles and construction products, in baked clay,
  • 26.7 - РРезка, обработка и отделка камня,
  • 26.8 - Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products,
  • 27.1 - Производство чугуна, ферросплавов, стали, горячекатаного проката и холоднокатаного листового (плоского) проката,
  • 27.2 - Cast iron and steel pipes production,
  • 27.3 - Производство прочей продукции из черных металлов, не включенной в другие группировки,
  • 27.4 - Non-ferrous metals production,
  • 27.5 - Casting production,
  • 28.1 - Manufacture of structural metal products,
  • 28.2 - Production of metal containers, radiators and central-heating boilers,
  • 28.3 - Steam boilers production, except for central-heating boilers; nuclear reactors production,
  • 28.4 - Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgy,
  • 28.5 - Обработка металлов инанесение покрытий на металлы; обработка металлических изделий с использованием основных технологических процессов машиностроения,
  • 28.7 - Manufacture of other fabricated metal products,
  • 29.1 - Mechanical equipment production,
  • 29.2 - Production of other equipment for general purposes,
  • 29.3 - Manufacture of agricultural and forestry machinery,
  • 29.4 - Machines production,
  • 31.4 - Chemical current sources production (accumulators, primary cells and primary batteries),
  • 31.6 - Other electric equipment production,
  • 32.3 - Production of equipment for sound and picture reception, recording and reproduction,
  • 33.2 - Производство контрольно - измерительных приборов,
  • 33.3 - Монтаж приборов контроля и регулирования технологических процессов,
  • 34.2 - Auto bodies production; production of trailers, semi-trailers and containers for transportation by one or several kinds of transport,
  • 34.3 - Production of motor vehicle parts and accessories and its engines,
  • 35.5 - Manufacture of other transport equipment not elsewhere classified,
  • 36.2 - Производство ювелирных изделий и технических изделий из драгоценных металлов и драгоценных камней, монет и медалей,
  • 37.1 - Waste scrap and scrap metal working operation,
  • 37.2 - Non-metal waste scrap working operation,
  • 40.1 - Electric power generation, transmission and distribution,
  • 40.2 - Manufacture and distribution of gaseous fuels,
  • 40.3 - Steam and hot water (thermal power) production, transmission and distribution,
  • 41.00 - Water collection, purification and distribution,
  • 45.1 - Construction site preparation,
  • 45.2 - Buildings and structures construction,
  • 45.3 - Mounting of buildings and structures technical equipment,
  • 50.1 - Sale of motor vehicles,
  • 50.2 - Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles,
  • 50.3 - Sale of motor vehicle parts and accessories,
  • 50.4 - Sale, maintenance and repair of motorcycles and related parts and accessories,
  • 50.5 - Motor fuel retail trade,
  • 51.1 - Wholesale trade through agents (for consideration or negotiable),
  • 51.5 - Wholesale trade in nonagricultural intermediate products, waste products and bars,
  • 51.6 - Wholesale trade in machinery and equipment,
  • 51.7 - Wholesale trade of another kind,
  • 52.2 - Retail trade in food products, including beverages, and tobacco, at specialized shops,
  • 52.6 - Retail trade out of shops,
  • 52.7 - Repairing of household goods and personal demand items,
  • 55.2 - Business of other places for temporary accommodation,
  • 55.5 - Business of canteens at enterprises and establishments and food service products supply,
  • 60.2 - Other land transport activity,
  • 60.3 - Transportation by pipeline,
  • 63.1 - Cargo handling and storing,
  • 63.2 - Other transport support activities,
  • 63.40 - Cargo transportation organization,
  • 64.20.3 - Another telecommunication activity,
  • 65.2 - Finance intermediation of another kind,
  • 66.0 - Insurance,
  • 67.1 - Support activity in the sphere of finance intermediation,
  • 67.2 - Support activity in the sphere of insurance and non-state pension provision,
  • 70.1 - Preparation to sale, own immovable property purchase and sale,
  • 70.2 - Own property letting,
  • 70.3 - Rendering of intermediary services related to real estate,
  • 71.1 - Light motor vehicle renting,
  • 71.2 - Other transport vehicles and equipment renting,
  • 71.3 - Other machinery and equipment renting,
  • 71.4 - Rental of household goods and personal items,
  • 72.1 - Computing hardware consulting,
  • 72.2 - Software development and consulting in this sphere,
  • 72.3 - Data processing,
  • 72.4 - Database and information resources creation and usage,
  • 72.5 - Maintenance and repairing of office and computing machinery,
  • 72.6 - Other activities related to the use of computers and information technology,
  • 74.2 - Architecture activity; engineering and technical designing; geological exploration and geophysic works; geodesic and cartography activity; standardization and metrology activity; activity in hydrometeorology sphere and spheres adjusted with it; activities related to technical problems solving, not elsewhere classified,
  • 74.3 - Technical testing, research and certification,
  • 74.4 - Promotional activity,
  • 74.5 - Найм рабочей силы и подбор персонала,
  • 74.6 - Investigation carrying and security provision,
  • 74.7 - Cleaning of work- and living rooms, equipment and vehicles,
  • 74.8 - Various services rendering,
  • 85.3 - Social services,
  • 90.00 - Sewage, waste disposal and similar activities,
  • 92.1 - Activity related to movies production, distribution and screening,
  • 92.2 - Radio and television broadcasting activity,
  • 92.3 - Other spectacular-entertaining activities,
  • 92.4 - News agency activities,
  • 93.0 - Personal services provision.
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