Architecture activity; engineering and technical designing; geological exploration and geophysic works; geodesic and cartography activity; standardization and metrology activity; activity in hydrometeorology sphere and spheres adjusted with it; activities related to technical problems solving, not elsewhere classified
RCEA: Architecture activity; engineering and technical designing; geological exploration and geophysic works; geodesic and cartography activity; standardization and metrology activity; activity in hydrometeorology sphere and spheres adjusted with it; activities related to technical problems solving, not elsewhere classified
PSRN: 1053808015502, INN: 3808118224;
RCEA: Architecture activity; engineering and technical designing; geological exploration and geophysic works; geodesic and cartography activity; standardization and metrology activity; activity in hydrometeorology sphere and spheres adjusted with it; activities related to technical problems solving, not elsewhere classified
PSRN: 1053812006005, INN: 3812081104;
RCEA: Architecture activity; engineering and technical designing; geological exploration and geophysic works; geodesic and cartography activity; standardization and metrology activity; activity in hydrometeorology sphere and spheres adjusted with it; activities related to technical problems solving, not elsewhere classified
PSRN: 1083812000480, INN: 3812101657;
RCEA: Architecture activity; engineering and technical designing; geological exploration and geophysic works; geodesic and cartography activity; standardization and metrology activity; activity in hydrometeorology sphere and spheres adjusted with it; activities related to technical problems solving, not elsewhere classified
PSRN: 1073811002308, INN: 3811109290;
RCEA: Architecture activity; engineering and technical designing; geological exploration and geophysic works; geodesic and cartography activity; standardization and metrology activity; activity in hydrometeorology sphere and spheres adjusted with it; activities related to technical problems solving, not elsewhere classified
PSRN: 1043802003596, INN: 3817025368;
RCEA: Architecture activity; engineering and technical designing; geological exploration and geophysic works; geodesic and cartography activity; standardization and metrology activity; activity in hydrometeorology sphere and spheres adjusted with it; activities related to technical problems solving, not elsewhere classified
PSRN: 1043801024080, INN: 3808108040;
RCEA: Architecture activity; engineering and technical designing; geological exploration and geophysic works; geodesic and cartography activity; standardization and metrology activity; activity in hydrometeorology sphere and spheres adjusted with it; activities related to technical problems solving, not elsewhere classified
PSRN: 1043801023914, INN: 3808107896;
RCEA: Architecture activity; engineering and technical designing; geological exploration and geophysic works; geodesic and cartography activity; standardization and metrology activity; activity in hydrometeorology sphere and spheres adjusted with it; activities related to technical problems solving, not elsewhere classified
PSRN: 1043801540925, INN: 3811081119;
RCEA: Architecture activity; engineering and technical designing; geological exploration and geophysic works; geodesic and cartography activity; standardization and metrology activity; activity in hydrometeorology sphere and spheres adjusted with it; activities related to technical problems solving, not elsewhere classified
PSRN: 1043802455179, INN: 3827017207;
RCEA: Architecture activity; engineering and technical designing; geological exploration and geophysic works; geodesic and cartography activity; standardization and metrology activity; activity in hydrometeorology sphere and spheres adjusted with it; activities related to technical problems solving, not elsewhere classified
PSRN: 1123850019974, INN: 3808223973;
RCEA: Architecture activity; engineering and technical designing; geological exploration and geophysic works; geodesic and cartography activity; standardization and metrology activity; activity in hydrometeorology sphere and spheres adjusted with it; activities related to technical problems solving, not elsewhere classified
PSRN: 1063811041722, INN: 3811099067;
RCEA: Architecture activity; engineering and technical designing; geological exploration and geophysic works; geodesic and cartography activity; standardization and metrology activity; activity in hydrometeorology sphere and spheres adjusted with it; activities related to technical problems solving, not elsewhere classified
PSRN: 5077746809454, INN: 7733608000;
RCEA: Architecture activity; engineering and technical designing; geological exploration and geophysic works; geodesic and cartography activity; standardization and metrology activity; activity in hydrometeorology sphere and spheres adjusted with it; activities related to technical problems solving, not elsewhere classified
PSRN: 1043801542916, INN: 3811081976;
RCEA: Architecture activity; engineering and technical designing; geological exploration and geophysic works; geodesic and cartography activity; standardization and metrology activity; activity in hydrometeorology sphere and spheres adjusted with it; activities related to technical problems solving, not elsewhere classified
PSRN: 1083808008921, INN: 3808180279;
RCEA: Architecture activity; engineering and technical designing; geological exploration and geophysic works; geodesic and cartography activity; standardization and metrology activity; activity in hydrometeorology sphere and spheres adjusted with it; activities related to technical problems solving, not elsewhere classified
PSRN: 1083808008239, INN: 3808179555;
RCEA: Architecture activity; engineering and technical designing; geological exploration and geophysic works; geodesic and cartography activity; standardization and metrology activity; activity in hydrometeorology sphere and spheres adjusted with it; activities related to technical problems solving, not elsewhere classified
PSRN: 1093850025213, INN: 3808210332;
RCEA: Architecture activity; engineering and technical designing; geological exploration and geophysic works; geodesic and cartography activity; standardization and metrology activity; activity in hydrometeorology sphere and spheres adjusted with it; activities related to technical problems solving, not elsewhere classified
PSRN: 1063808154156, INN: 3808146260;
RCEA: Architecture activity; engineering and technical designing; geological exploration and geophysic works; geodesic and cartography activity; standardization and metrology activity; activity in hydrometeorology sphere and spheres adjusted with it; activities related to technical problems solving, not elsewhere classified
PSRN: 1063808155344, INN: 3808146743;
RCEA: Architecture activity; engineering and technical designing; geological exploration and geophysic works; geodesic and cartography activity; standardization and metrology activity; activity in hydrometeorology sphere and spheres adjusted with it; activities related to technical problems solving, not elsewhere classified
PSRN: 1083801007751, INN: 3801099117;
RCEA: Architecture activity; engineering and technical designing; geological exploration and geophysic works; geodesic and cartography activity; standardization and metrology activity; activity in hydrometeorology sphere and spheres adjusted with it; activities related to technical problems solving, not elsewhere classified
PSRN: 5087746247232, INN: 7727665089;
RCEA: Architecture activity; engineering and technical designing; geological exploration and geophysic works; geodesic and cartography activity; standardization and metrology activity; activity in hydrometeorology sphere and spheres adjusted with it; activities related to technical problems solving, not elsewhere classified
PSRN: 1083801007740, INN: 3801099124;
RCEA: Architecture activity; engineering and technical designing; geological exploration and geophysic works; geodesic and cartography activity; standardization and metrology activity; activity in hydrometeorology sphere and spheres adjusted with it; activities related to technical problems solving, not elsewhere classified
PSRN: 1053811500786, INN: 3811094478;
RCEA: Architecture activity; engineering and technical designing; geological exploration and geophysic works; geodesic and cartography activity; standardization and metrology activity; activity in hydrometeorology sphere and spheres adjusted with it; activities related to technical problems solving, not elsewhere classified
PSRN: 1073801008236, INN: 3801092440;
RCEA: Architecture activity; engineering and technical designing; geological exploration and geophysic works; geodesic and cartography activity; standardization and metrology activity; activity in hydrometeorology sphere and spheres adjusted with it; activities related to technical problems solving, not elsewhere classified
PSRN: 1073811008270, INN: 3811115495;
RCEA: Architecture activity; engineering and technical designing; geological exploration and geophysic works; geodesic and cartography activity; standardization and metrology activity; activity in hydrometeorology sphere and spheres adjusted with it; activities related to technical problems solving, not elsewhere classified
PSRN: 1073811008182, INN: 3811115424;
RCEA: Architecture activity; engineering and technical designing; geological exploration and geophysic works; geodesic and cartography activity; standardization and metrology activity; activity in hydrometeorology sphere and spheres adjusted with it; activities related to technical problems solving, not elsewhere classified
PSRN: 1073811008292, INN: 3811115520;
RCEA: Architecture activity; engineering and technical designing; geological exploration and geophysic works; geodesic and cartography activity; standardization and metrology activity; activity in hydrometeorology sphere and spheres adjusted with it; activities related to technical problems solving, not elsewhere classified
PSRN: 1033801752632, INN: 3812066890;
RCEA: Architecture activity; engineering and technical designing; geological exploration and geophysic works; geodesic and cartography activity; standardization and metrology activity; activity in hydrometeorology sphere and spheres adjusted with it; activities related to technical problems solving, not elsewhere classified
PSRN: 1073810000230, INN: 3810028970;
RCEA: Architecture activity; engineering and technical designing; geological exploration and geophysic works; geodesic and cartography activity; standardization and metrology activity; activity in hydrometeorology sphere and spheres adjusted with it; activities related to technical problems solving, not elsewhere classified
PSRN: 1063811059223, INN: 3811105899;
RCEA: Architecture activity; engineering and technical designing; geological exploration and geophysic works; geodesic and cartography activity; standardization and metrology activity; activity in hydrometeorology sphere and spheres adjusted with it; activities related to technical problems solving, not elsewhere classified
PSRN: 1073808000507, INN: 3808160723;
↑ Other services rendering
Activity in the sphere of architecture, engineer-technical design in industry and construction
Architecture activity
Проектирование производственных помещений, включая размещение машин и оборудования, промышленный дизайн
Design associated with engineering structures construction, including hydraulic structures; traffic flow design
Industrial process and production projects development, related to electrical technology, electronic technology, mining, chemical engineering, machine industry, and also industrial construction, system engineering and safety arrangements
Design development in the sphere of air conditioning, refrigeration, sanitary installations and monitoring of environmental pollution, building acoustics, etc.
Деятельность в области промышленного и транспортного дизайна(введен изменением 1/2007 оквэд, утв. приказом ростехрегулирования от 22.11.2007 n 329-ст)
Геолого - разведочные, геофизические и геохимические работы в области изучения недр
Geodesic and cartographic activity
Topographic and geodesic activity
Картографическая деятельность, включая деятельность в области наименований географических объектов
Hydrographic survey work
Деятельность, связанная с подготовкой картографической и космической информации, включая аэросъемку
Engineering survey for construction
Land management
Activity in the sphere of standardization and metrology
Standardization activity
Metrology activities
Accreditation activities
State control and supervision of standards, measurement and mandatory certifications
Деятельность в области гидрометеорологии и смежных с ней областях
Океанографические работы
Гелиогеофизические работы
Работы по активному воздействию на гидрометеорологические и геофизические процессы и явления
Работы по метеорологии, климатологии, гидрологии
Работы по мониторингу состояния и загрязнения окружающей природной среды
Предоставление информации о состоянии и загрязнении окружающей природной среды
Деятельность, связанная с активными воздействиями на метеорологические и геофизические процессы и явления(введен изменением 1/2007 оквэд, утв. приказом ростехрегулирования от 22.11.2007 n 329-ст)
Activity in the sphere of standardization and metrology
Геолого-разведочные,геофизические и геохимические работы в области изучения недр
Деят. в области архитектуры; инженерно-технич.проектир.;геолого-развед.работы
Деят. в области архитектуры; инженерно-технич.проектир.;геолого-развед.работы