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Status: Исключение из ЕГРЮЛ недействующего юридического лица 30.03.2016
Liquidation date: 30.03.2016






Registration date: 27 September 2012

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Company profile OOO "LANSEL"

Company OOO "LANSEL" ( OBSHHESTVO S OGRANICHENNOY OTVETSTVENNOSTJHJU "LANSEL" 3123309901 was officially registered at: Region Belgorod, City Belgorod, Street Nagornaja, House Dom 23. The company is registered 27.09.2012. The company is assigned the Primary State Registration Number (OGRN) - 1123123018545.
The company OOO "LANSEL" registered 27.09.2012. в Inspekcija Federaljhnoy nalogovoy sluzhbih po g. Belgorodu.
Then the procedure of registration at was initiated Otdelenie Fonda pensionnogo i socialjhnogo strakhovanija Rossiyskoy Federacii po Belgorodskoy oblasti, that afterwards is dated 27.09.2012.
The last entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities relating to this company is: Predstavlenie svedeniy ob uchete juridicheskogo lica v nalogovom organe.

Company’s managing director

Managing director is director general Kastko Aleksandr Vladimirovich. For more detailed information You may open the company’s profile and check it for reliability.

Company’s activity

According to the documents, company’s core business pursuant to the Russian Classification of Economic Activities is Promotional activity (OKVED code: 74.4)

Secondary OKVED codes:

  • 52.48.37 - Retail trade in art works at commercial art galeries,
  • 72.2 - Software development and consulting in this sphere,
  • 72.1 - Computing hardware consulting,
  • 70.20.2 - Own non-residential property letting,
  • 70.20.1 - Own residential property letting,
  • 70.20 - Own property letting,
  • 70.2 - Own property letting,
  • 67.13.4 - Consulting on finance intermediation,
  • 52.63 - Retail trade of another kind out of shops,
  • 52.48.39 - Specialized retail trade in other non-food goods, not elsewhere classified,
  • 52.48.38 - Retail trade in pyrotechnics,
  • 72.3 - Data processing,
  • 52.48.36 - Retail trade in philatelic and numismatic goods,
  • 52.48.35 - Retail trade in household oil fuel, bottled gas, coal, fuelwood, fuel peat,
  • 52.48.34 - Retail trade in souvenirs, folk artistic craft goods, culture and religion items, funeral accessories,
  • 52.48.33 - Retail trade in home animals and feed-stuff for home animals,
  • 52.48.32 - Retail trade in flowers and other plants, seeds and fertilizers,
  • 52.48.31 - Retail trade in household products, synthetic detergents, wall papers and floor covering,
  • 52.48.3 - Specialized retail trade in non-food goods, not elsewhere classified,
  • 52.48.24 - Retail trade in games and toys,
  • 52.48.23 - Retail trade in sports goods, fishing tackles, tourist outfit, boats and bicycles,
  • 74.20.12 - Проектирование производственных помещений, включая размещение машин и оборудования, промышленный дизайн,
  • 92.40 - News agency activities,
  • 92.20 - Radio and television broadcasting activity,
  • 92.11 - Movies production,
  • 74.84 - Provision of other services,
  • 74.83 - Secretarial, editorial and translation services,
  • 74.81 - Photographic activities,
  • 74.8 - Various services rendering,
  • 74.50 - Найм рабочей силы и подбор персонала,
  • 74.4 - Promotional activity,
  • 52.48.22 - Retail trade in jewelry,
  • 74.20.11 - Architecture activity,
  • 74.14 - Business and other management consultancy activities,
  • 74.13 - Исследование конъюнктуры рынка и выявление общественного мнения,
  • 74.12 - Accounting and auditing activity,
  • 74.11 - Legal activities,
  • 74.1 - Activity in the sphere of law, accounting and auditing; commercial activity and enterprise management consultancy,
  • 72.6 - Other activities related to the use of computers and information technology,
  • 72.5 - Maintenance and repairing of office and computing machinery,
  • 72.4 - Database and information resources creation and usage,
  • 52.42.4 - Retail trade in leather wear,
  • 52.44.2 - Retail trade in various houseware, cutlery, dish, ceramic and glass goods; including china and pottery,
  • 52.44.1 - Retail trade in furniture,
  • 52.44 - Retail trade in furniture and household goods,
  • 52.43.2 - Retail trade in leather goods and travelware,
  • 52.43.1 - Retail trade in shoes,
  • 52.43 - Retail trade in shoes and leather goods,
  • 52.42.8 - Retail trade in clothing accessories (gloves, ties, scarves, belts, braces and the like),
  • 52.42.7 - Retail trade in headwear,
  • 52.42.6 - Retail trade in hosiery,
  • 52.42.5 - Retail trade in sports wear,
  • 52.44.3 - Retail trade in light fixtures,
  • 52.42.3 - Retail trade in fur goods,
  • 52.42.2 - Retail trade in underwear,
  • 52.42.1 - Retail trade in men's, women's and children's wear,
  • 52.42 - Retail trade in clothing,
  • 52.41.2 - Retail trade in fancy goods,
  • 52.41.1 - Retail trade in textile goods,
  • 52.41 - Retail trade in textile and fancy goods,
  • 52.4 - Retail trade of another kind at specialized shops,
  • 22.25 - Прочая полиграфическая деятельность,
  • 52.46.6 - Retail trade in garden equipment and tools,
  • 52.48.21 - Retail trade in watches,
  • 52.48.2 - Specialized retail trade in watches, jewelry, sports goods, games and toys,
  • 52.48.12 - Retail trade in office machinery and equipment,
  • 52.48.11 - Retail trade in office furniture,
  • 52.48.1 - Specialized retail trade in office furniture, office equipment, computers, optics and photo equipment,
  • 52.46.73 - Retail trade in metal and non-metal structures and the like,
  • 52.46.72 - Retail trade in bricks,
  • 52.46.71 - Retail trade in forest products,
  • 52.46.7 - Retail trade in construction materials, not elsewhere classified,
  • 22.22 - Graphic printing activity, not elsewhere classified,
  • 52.46.5 - Retail trade in sanitary fittings,
  • 52.46.4 - Retail trade in materials and equipment for handcraft production,
  • 52.46.3 - Retail trade in glazing materials,
  • 52.46.2 - Retail trade in paint, polish and enamel,
  • 52.46.1 - Retail trade in hardware,
  • 52.46 - Retail trade in hardware, paint materials and glazing materials,
  • 52.44.6 - Retail trade in household goods and appliances, not elsewhere classified,
  • 52.44.5 - Retail trade in wood products, cork and braids,
  • 52.44.4 - Retail trade in drapery, curtains and other household items, made of textile materials.
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