Translation and interpretation activities
There are no companies found in the current category in the Chukotka Autonomous District
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Testing and analysis of materials’ and substances’ composition and purity: analysis of chemical and biological properties of materials and substances (air, water, household and industrial waste, fuel, metal, soil, chemicals)
Контроль качества пищевых продуктов
Testing and analysis in scientific fields (microbiology, biochemistry, bacteriology, etc.)
Testing and analysis of physical properties of materials and substances: testing and analysis of physical properties (durability, ductility, electrical conductivity, radioactivity) of materials (metals, plastic, fabric, wood, glass, concrete, etc.); tensile, hardness, resistance, repeated stress and high-temperature test
Testing and analysis of mechanical and electrical characteristics of final products: motors, automobiles, machines, radioelectronic devices, communication equipment and other equipment, that includes mechanical and electrical components
Tests and design of construction elements
Technical control of automobiles: periodic technical inspection of cars and trucks, motorcycles, buses and other motor vehicles
Products and services certification
Other activities on technical inspection, testing and analysis
Other activities on technical inspection, testing and analysis