Light motor vehicle renting
There are no companies found in the current category in the Sakhalin Region
↑ Rental of machinery and equipment without an operator; rental of household goods and personal items
Engineering activities, construction projects management, building inspection and design supervision
Heat, water and gas supply projects development
Industrial process and production projects development, related to electrical technology, electronic technology, mining, chemical engineering, machine industry, and also industrial construction, system engineering and safety arrangements
Projects development on air conditioning, refrigeration technology, sanitary engineering and pollution monitoring, building acoustics
Activity of property owner/developer, prime contractor
Geological exploration, geophysical and geochemical works in the sphere of subsurface study and mineral reserves replacement
Geodesic and cartographic activities
Topographic-geodesic activities
Cartographic activity, including naming of geographical features and cartographo-geodetic fund creation and maintenance
Marine survey
Activity related to collection, processing and preparation of cartographic and space information, including aerial survey
Civil engineering survey
Land management
Hydrometeorology and related activities, environmental monitoring, its pollution monitoring
Activity of observation hydrometeorological network
Heliophysical and geophysical works
Environmental pollution monitoring for physical and legal entities
Field works and hydrometeorological and related survey, expedition survey of natural environments for pollution level assessment
Hydrometeorological information processing and delivery to state government bodies and population
Hydrometeorological support of physical and legal entities
Activities related to active influencing of meteorological and geophysical processes and phenomena
Activity for technical regulation, standardization, metrology, accreditation, products cataloguing
Technical regulation and standardization activities
Metrology activities
Accreditation activities
State supervision over compliance with technical regulations requirements
Federal national metrological supervision
Products cataloguing activities
Cadastral activities
Разработка инженерно-технических проектов и контроль при строительстве и модернизации объектов использования атомной энергии
Geodesic and cartographic activities
Technical regulation and standardization activities
Light motor vehicle renting
Topographic-geodesic activities
Geological exploration, geophysical and geochemical works in the sphere of subsurface study and mineral reserves replacement
State supervision over compliance with technical regulations requirements
Land management
Hydrometeorological information processing and delivery to state government bodies and population
Environmental pollution monitoring for physical and legal entities
Industrial process and production projects development, related to electrical technology, electronic technology, mining, chemical engineering, machine industry, and also industrial construction, system engineering and safety arrangements
Civil engineering survey
Engineering activities, construction projects management, building inspection and design supervision
Деятельность по предоставлению инженерно-технических консультаций в сфере энергосбережения и повышения энергетической эффективности использования энергетических ресурсов
Civil engineering survey
Land management