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*This company name does not have any full force and effect, it is translated for your operability in checking

Status: Исключение из ЕГРЮЛ недействующего юридического лица 24.08.2009
Liquidation date: 24.08.2009






Registration date: 3 April 2007

Registration address:

Director general

04.06.2007INN ░░░░░░░░░░░░
Pumps production for liquids transmission and liquids elevators
Charter capital: ░░ ░░░ rub
░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░ 3
░░ ░░░ rub INN ░░░░░░░░░░░░
Registration at non-budgetary funds

Entries from USRLE

░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░ (░░░░░░░░░░ ░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░)
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Company profile OOO "STEHM"

Company OOO "STEHM" ( OBSHHESTVO S OGRANICHENNOY OTVETSTVENNOSTJHJU "SPECTEPLOEHNERGOMONTAZH" 7727608997 was officially registered at: City Moscow, Street Garibaljhdi, House D.27, K.4. The company is registered 03.04.2007. The company is assigned the Primary State Registration Number (OGRN) - 5077746453274.
The company OOO "STEHM" registered 03.04.2007. в Mezhrayonnaja inspekcija Federaljhnoy nalogovoy sluzhbih № 46 po g. Moskve.
Then the procedure of registration at was initiated Otdelenie Fonda pensionnogo i socialjhnogo strakhovanija Rossiyskoy Federacii po g. Moskve i Moskovskoy oblasti, that afterwards is dated 03.04.2007.
Otdelenie Fonda pensionnogo i socialjhnogo strakhovanija Rossiyskoy Federacii po g. Moskve i Moskovskoy oblasti registered the company 03.04.2007.
The last entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities relating to this company is: Prekrashhenie juridicheskogo lica (iskljuchenie iz EGRJUL nedeystvujushhego juridicheskogo lica).

Company’s managing director

Managing director is director general Tumanov Igorjh Nikolaevich. For more detailed information You may open the company’s profile and check it for reliability.

Company’s activity

According to the documents, company’s core business pursuant to the Russian Classification of Economic Activities is Pumps production for liquids transmission and liquids elevators (OKVED code: 29.12.2)

Secondary OKVED codes:

  • 52.61.2 - Розничная торговля, осуществляемая через телемагазины и компьютерные сети (электронная торговля, включая Интернет),
  • 71.10 - Light motor vehicle renting,
  • 70.32.3 - Activity on accounting and technical inventory of immovable property,
  • 70.32.2 - Non-residential stock management,
  • 70.32.1 - Housing stock maintenance,
  • 65.23.3 - Capital investment in property,
  • 65.23.2 - Dealers activity,
  • 65.23.1 - Capital investment in securities,
  • 63.12.23 - Other liquid or gas freight storage and warehousing,
  • 63.12.22 - Gas and gas products storage and warehousing,
  • 63.12.21 - Oil and oil products storage and warehousing,
  • 71.2 - Other transport vehicles and equipment renting,
  • 51.65.6 - Wholesale trade in other machinery, utensils, general purpose industrial and special equipment,
  • 51.65.2 - Wholesale trade in engineering maintenance materials, machinery and equipment fixtures,
  • 51.56.4 - Wholesale trade in electric and thermal power (without its transmission and distribution),
  • 51.54.2 - Wholesale trade in water-line and heating equipment,
  • 51.53.21 - Wholesale trade in sanitary fittings,
  • 51.18.26 - Activity of agents on electricity and thermal power wholesale trade (without its production, transmission and distribution),
  • 45.50 - Renting of construction machinery and equipment with operator,
  • 45.45 - Other building completion and finishing,
  • 45.44.2 - Painting,
  • 45.44.1 - Glazing,
  • 74.20.14 - Industrial process and production projects development, related to electrical technology, electronic technology, mining, chemical engineering, machine industry, and also industrial construction, system engineering and safety arrangements,
  • 90.00.2 - Solid waste disposal and processing,
  • 90.00.1 - Sewage disposal and processing,
  • 74.30.6 - Tests and design of construction elements,
  • 74.30.5 - Testing and analysis of mechanical and electrical characteristics of final products: motors, automobiles, machines, radioelectronic devices, communication equipment and other equipment, that includes mechanical and electrical components,
  • 74.30.4 - Testing and analysis of physical properties of materials and substances: testing and analysis of physical properties (durability, ductility, electrical conductivity, radioactivity) of materials (metals, plastic, fabric, wood, glass, concrete, etc.); tensile, hardness, resistance, repeated stress and high-temperature test,
  • 74.30.1 - Testing and analysis of materials’ and substances’ composition and purity: analysis of chemical and biological properties of materials and substances (air, water, household and industrial waste, fuel, metal, soil, chemicals),
  • 74.20.56 - Предоставление информации о состоянии и загрязнении окружающей природной среды,
  • 74.20.55 - Работы по мониторингу состояния и загрязнения окружающей природной среды,
  • 74.20.35 - Engineering survey for construction,
  • 74.20.15 - Design development in the sphere of air conditioning, refrigeration, sanitary installations and monitoring of environmental pollution, building acoustics, etc.,
  • 45.43 - Floor covering and wall covering works,
  • 74.20.13 - Design associated with engineering structures construction, including hydraulic structures; traffic flow design,
  • 74.20.12 - Проектирование производственных помещений, включая размещение машин и оборудования, промышленный дизайн,
  • 72.40 - Database and information resources creation and usage,
  • 71.34.9 - Renting of other machinery and equipment for scientific and industrial purposes,
  • 71.34.5 - Instrumentation renting,
  • 71.34.1 - Engine, turbine and machine renting,
  • 71.33.2 - Computers and equipment renting,
  • 71.33.1 - Office machinery and equipment renting,
  • 71.32 - Construction machinery and equipment renting,
  • 71.21.2 - Railway transport and equipment renting,
  • 40.20.2 - Gas fuel distribution,
  • 45.11.1 - Buildings demolition, construction sites clearing,
  • 41.00.2 - Water distribution,
  • 41.00.1 - Water collection and purification,
  • 40.30.5 - Activity on operability assurance of heat lines,
  • 40.30.4 - Activity on operability assurance of boiler rooms,
  • 40.30.3 - Steam and hot water (heat) supply,
  • 40.30.2 - Steam and hot water (heat) transmission,
  • 40.30.17 - Chilled water or ice (natural) production for cooling,
  • 40.30.14 - Steam and hot water (heat) generation by boiler houses,
  • 40.30.11 - Steam and hot water (heat) generation by thermal power stations,
  • 45.11.2 - Earthworks,
  • 33.50.9 - Services on mounting, repairing and maintenance of industrial devices and equipment for time intervals measuring,
  • 33.30 - Монтаж приборов контроля и регулирования технологических процессов,
  • 33.20.9 - Предоставление услуг по монтажу, ремонту и техническому обслуживанию приборов и инструментов для измерения, контроля, испытания, навигации, локации и прочих целей,
  • 33.20.8 - Производство частей приборов, аппаратов и инструментов для измерения, контроля, испытания, навигации и прочих целей,
  • 31.62.9 - Services on other electric equipment mounting, repairing and maintenance, not elsewhere classified,
  • 31.20.9 - Services on mounting, repairing and maintenance of electrical switch gear and regulating equipment,
  • 29.23.9 - Services on industrial refrigeration and ventilation equipment mounting, repairing and maintenance,
  • 29.23.1 - Production of heat exchangers, industrial refrigerating and air conditioning equipment; production of equipment for gas filtering and purifying,
  • 29.21.9 - Services on furnace and furnace burner mounting, repairing and maintenance,
  • 29.12.9 - Services on pumps and compressors mounting, repairing and maintenance,
  • 45.25.2 - Foundation construction and water well drilling,
  • 45.42 - Joinery and carpentry works,
  • 45.41 - Plastering,
  • 45.34 - Other technical equipment mounting,
  • 45.33 - Sanitary-technical works,
  • 45.32 - Insulation works,
  • 45.31 - Electrical installation,
  • 45.25.6 - Other construction works, requiring special skills,
  • 45.25.5 - Masonry works,
  • 45.25.4 - Metal construction structures mounting,
  • 45.25.3 - Concrete and reinforced concrete works,
  • 29.12.2 - Pumps production for liquids transmission and liquids elevators,
  • 45.25.1 - Mounting of scaffolding and scaffolding platforms,
  • 45.21.7 - Mounting of prefabricated buildings and structures,
  • 45.21.6 - General works on other buildings and structures construction, not elsewhere classified,
  • 45.21.53 - General works on thermal and other power stations construction,
  • 45.21.52 - General works on nuclear power stations construction,
  • 45.21.4 - General works on local pipelines, communication lines and power lines construction, including related support works,
  • 45.21.3 - General works on main pipelines, communication lines and power lines construction,
  • 45.21.1 - General works on buildings construction,
  • 45.21 - General construction works.
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