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*This company name does not have any full force and effect, it is translated for your operability in checking

Status: Исключение из ЕГРЮЛ недействующего юридического лица 26.10.2011
Liquidation date: 26.10.2011






Registration date: 24 December 2007

Registration address:


24.12.2007INN ░░░░░░░░░░░░
General construction works
Charter capital: ░░ ░░░ rub
░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 5
░░ ░░░ rub INN ░░░░░░░░░░░░
Registration at non-budgetary funds

Arbitration cases


Entries from USRLE

░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░ ░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░ ░ ░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░
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Федеральная служба судебных приставов (ФССП)



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Company profile OOO FSK "KOMSTROY"

Company OOO FSK "KOMSTROY" ( OBSHHESTVO S OGRANICHENNOY OTVETSTVENNOSTJHJU FSK "KOMSTROY" 3811116570 was officially registered at: Region Irkutsk, City Irkutsk, Street Jadrinceva, House D.25. The company is registered 24.12.2007. The company is assigned the Primary State Registration Number (OGRN) - 1073811009315.
The company OOO FSK "KOMSTROY" registered 24.12.2007. в Inspekcija Federaljhnoy nalogovoy sluzhbih po Oktjabrjhskomu okrugu g.Irkutska.
Then the procedure of registration at was initiated Otdelenie Fonda pensionnogo i socialjhnogo strakhovanija Rossiyskoy Federacii po Irkutskoy oblasti, that afterwards is dated 24.12.2007.
Otdelenie Fonda pensionnogo i socialjhnogo strakhovanija Rossiyskoy Federacii po Irkutskoy oblasti registered the company 24.12.2007.
The last entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities relating to this company is: Predstavlenie svedeniy ob uchete juridicheskogo lica v nalogovom organe.

Company’s managing director

Managing director is director Gaynullin Radiy Adgamovich. For more detailed information You may open the company’s profile and check it for reliability.

Company’s activity

According to the documents, company’s core business pursuant to the Russian Classification of Economic Activities is General construction works (OKVED code: 45.21)

Secondary OKVED codes:

  • 20.10 - Wood sawmilling and planing; wood impregnation,
  • 20.20 - Production of veneer sheet, plywood, board and panel,
  • 20.30 - Производство деревянных строительных конструкций, включая сборные деревянные строения, и столярных изделий,
  • 20.40 - Manufacture of wooden containers,
  • 20.51 - Other wood goods production,
  • 20.52 - Production of goods made of cork, straw and plaiting materials,
  • 22.1 - Publishing activity,
  • 25.21 - Manufacture of plastic plates, sheets, tubes and profiles,
  • 25.22 - Manufacture of plastic packing goods,
  • 25.23 - Manufacture of builders’ ware of plastic,
  • 25.24 - Manufacture of other plastic products,
  • 26.30 - Ceramic tile and plates production,
  • 26.40 - Manufacture of bricks, tiles and construction products, in baked clay,
  • 26.51 - Manufacture of cement,
  • 26.52 - Lime production,
  • 26.53 - Manufacture of plaster,
  • 26.61 - Manufacture of concrete products for construction purposes,
  • 26.62 - Manufacture of plaster products for construction purposes,
  • 26.63 - Manufacture of ready-mixed concrete,
  • 26.64 - Manufacture of mortars,
  • 26.65 - Manufacture of fibre cement,
  • 26.66 - Production of other concrete, plaster and cement goods,
  • 26.70 - Резка, обработка и отделка камня,
  • 26.81 - Production of abrasive products,
  • 26.82 - Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products not elsewhere classified,
  • 28.11 - Construction metal structures production,
  • 28.12 - Construction metal goods production,
  • 28.4 - Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgy,
  • 28.5 - Обработка металлов инанесение покрытий на металлы; обработка металлических изделий с использованием основных технологических процессов машиностроения,
  • 28.6 - Production of blade tools, cutlery, tools, lock and hardware,
  • 28.7 - Manufacture of other fabricated metal products,
  • 29.1 - Mechanical equipment production,
  • 35.1 - Vessels construction and repairing,
  • 45.11 - Buildings demolition; digging works,
  • 45.12 - Test drilling and boring,
  • 45.21 - General construction works,
  • 45.22 - Buildings and structures covering works,
  • 45.25 - Other construction works,
  • 45.31 - Electrical installation,
  • 45.32 - Insulation works,
  • 45.33 - Sanitary-technical works,
  • 45.34 - Other technical equipment mounting,
  • 45.41 - Plastering,
  • 45.42 - Joinery and carpentry works,
  • 45.43 - Floor covering and wall covering works,
  • 45.44 - Painting and glazing,
  • 45.45 - Other building completion and finishing,
  • 45.50 - Renting of construction machinery and equipment with operator,
  • 50.20 - Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles,
  • 51.21 - Wholesale trade in grain, seed and feed-stuff for agricultural animals,
  • 51.22 - Wholesale trade in flowers and other plants,
  • 51.24 - Wholesale trade in woolfell and skin,
  • 51.31 - Wholesale trade in fruit, vegetables and potato,
  • 51.32 - Wholesale trade in meat, poultry, meat products, canned meat and poultry,
  • 51.33 - Wholesale trade in dairy products, eggs, table oil and fats,
  • 51.34 - Wholesale trade in alcohol and other beverages,
  • 51.35 - Wholesale trade in tobacco,
  • 51.36 - Wholesale trade in sugar and sugary confectionary products, including chocolate,
  • 51.37 - Wholesale trade in coffee, tea, cacao and kitchen herbs,
  • 51.38 - Wholesale trade in other food products,
  • 51.41 - Wholesale trade in textile and fancy goods,
  • 51.42 - Wholesale trade in clothing, including underwear, and shoes,
  • 51.43 - Wholesale trade in household appliances, radio and television equipment,
  • 51.44 - Wholesale trade in ceramic and glass goods, wall papers, detergents,
  • 51.45 - Wholesale trade in perfumery and cosmetic goods,
  • 51.47 - Wholesale trade in other non-food consumer goods,
  • 51.51 - Wholesale trade in fuel,
  • 51.52 - Wholesale trade in metals and metal ore,
  • 51.53 - Wholesale trade in timber, construction materials and sanitary fittings,
  • 51.54 - Wholesale trade in hardware, hand tools, water-line and heating equipment,
  • 51.55 - Wholesale trade in chemical products,
  • 51.56 - Wholesale trade in other intermediate products,
  • 51.57 - Wholesale trade in waste products and bar,
  • 51.64 - Wholesale trade in office machinery and eqiupment,
  • 51.70 - Wholesale trade of another kind,
  • 52.21 - Retail trade in fruit, vegetables and potato,
  • 52.22 - Retail trade in meat, poultry, meat and poultry products, canned meat and poultry,
  • 52.23 - Retail trade in fish, crustaceans and molluscan shellfish,
  • 52.24 - Retail trade in bread, bakery and confectionary products,
  • 52.25 - Retail trade in alcohol and other beverages,
  • 52.26 - Retail trade in tobacco,
  • 52.27 - Retail trade of another kind in food products at specialized shops,
  • 52.33 - Retail trade in cosmetic and perfumery products,
  • 52.41 - Retail trade in textile and fancy goods,
  • 52.42 - Retail trade in clothing,
  • 52.43 - Retail trade in shoes and leather goods,
  • 52.44 - Retail trade in furniture and household goods,
  • 52.45 - Retail trade in household appliances, radio and television equipment,
  • 52.46 - Retail trade in hardware, paint materials and glazing materials,
  • 52.47 - Retail trade in books, magazines, newspapers, paper products and stationery,
  • 52.48 - Retail trade of another kind at specialized shops,
  • 55.30 - Restaurant and café business,
  • 55.40 - Bar business,
  • 60.22 - Taxi operation,
  • 60.24 - Freight transport by road,
  • 63.30 - Travel agency activities,
  • 65.23.1 - Capital investment in securities,
  • 65.23.2 - Dealers activity,
  • 65.23.3 - Capital investment in property,
  • 65.23.4 - Swap, warrant certificate and other exchange transactions conclusion,
  • 65.23.5 - Holding companies activity in the sphere of finance intermediation,
  • 67.11 - Administration of financial markets,
  • 67.12 - Биржевые операции с фондовыми ценностями,
  • 67.13 - Another support activity in the sphere of finance intermediation,
  • 67.20.1 - Insurance agents activity,
  • 70.20 - Own property letting,
  • 70.31 - Real estate agencies,
  • 74.11 - Legal activities,
  • 74.13 - Исследование конъюнктуры рынка и выявление общественного мнения,
  • 74.20 - Architecture activity; engineering and technical designing; geological exploration and geophysic works; geodesic and cartography activity; standardization and metrology activity; activity in hydrometeorology sphere and spheres adjusted with it; activities related to technical problems solving, not elsewhere classified,
  • 74.40 - Promotional activity.
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